Hey awesome (yes, you!), I'm Nikki Anne and this is my blog. Welcome! And THANK YOU very, very much for visiting my blog. Truly appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs instead of , oh you know , checking if theirs a cockroach at your feet or if the door is locked or not, other important stuff like that, you get what I mean. HAHA. I'm just fooling around. So yeah, hey! You clicked "It's Nikki". So this page is just about a bit of muah. If you thought this was some kinda alien hunting link or if you think that you've won thousands of cash then Error! Click away. Cause right here you'll be reading about the ye old life of Nikki and how she conquered that giant beast using a long stick of french bread (Gotta love the french ey?). Kidding. Haha you did win thousands of cash. but I didn't make you win. You gotta comment below first to find out. LOL! Don't believe me? Just watch! (*Bruno mars kickin moves)
So all non-sense aside (not really). I am Nikki Anne. My name was voted by a bunch of my family members. They had other options other than Nikki but they all started with 'N'. So like my mom, we're not fans of overly, I repeat, OVERLY girly-girl, Barbie times 10 kinda stuff so instead of naming your daughter with a really girly name, they chose "Nikki" instead. Unisex. Plain, simple and easy (like I hope I'd be. Ugh) I was born on August 06, the year 1995. Made it to the 90's when everything was about 45% normal still. I was actually born differently than other babies in that hospital. I had a Cleft Palate and that is the cause of my awesomeness! but you know, I felt pretty normal because like every other babies there as well, I got spanked in my booty! I can speak clearly and sing as well. Visit my sound cloud. Will post soon so bettah watch out for that babe. (Comment your song request down below.)
I studied at Filipino-Chinese schools for more than half of my life. So that's SPAS (St.Peter the Apostle School) in kindergarten and elementary school. PCA (Paco Chinese Academy) for highschool. CKSC (Chiang Kai Shek College) for college which I heard will become a University. So I guess that's going to be FUCKS - Foreign University of Chiang Kai Shek, and the students who goes there are gonna be called FUCKerians. LOL! LMFAO! Kidding. So yeah, that college ruined my life. Let's get pass that shall we? Adjourning to my current state.
I had my first Job at Teletech. Call center company located in 2Ecom Prism Plaza MOA, Pasay City and after knowing I had jaw problems, I had to resign. I hated some of my co-workers there anyway so that's that. My cousin now found Alorica. During the interview, my cousin who had a year and more experience at a call center didn't get hired but I, yes I, ho had 2 months of call center experience was able to get in. How AWESOME is that? LOL. If you're reading this cous, I Love You. So now I am currently working for Alorica. Awesome company, awkward people, nice batchmates (shout out to SVS Batch 28 wave 32). Very convenient for me when it comes down to transportation going there. Pretty much have all the option unlike with my previous company. So yeah, I love my company. For all updates, visit my Facebook. Add me up. Follow me on twitter. Twit me! I'll respond, Promise. Just hashtag #ItsNikki so that I know you read this. I might give something to you, who knows? LOL! I'm not kidding. For all of you whose reading this now and made it this far, you found my give away. Just twit me, my username is Boniknik and twit me what kinda blogs you want me to blog more about and use the hashtag #ItsNikki. I'll be choosing three winners to win Php500.00 worth of prizes. So keep em reading and THANKS so much for the support! Love love!
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